Sunday, March 17, 2013

Picture of me & my mommy

Age 5 1/2

Kyle really wanted me to frame some of his art. As busy as he can be, he really loves do make beautiful artwork. Gotta by this boy some frames.

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Friday, February 1, 2013

Picture of my brother

Kyle drew this picture of his brother playing basketball.
Kyle, age 5 1/2

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Friday, August 6, 2010

Happy Birthday to Kyle!

This was after lunch, after opening all the gifts, and after we all sang happy birthday to him...he wanted another cupcake, and insisted that we "light the fire" so he could blow out the candles.  I didn't expect him to sing again, but I should have.  Whenever he sees candles burning, he sings happy birthday and promptly blows them out (makes for a fun Christmas season when I have lots of candles around!

He wanted Curious George (a.k.a. "Monkey George") on his cake, but you can't find that anywhere.  I almost had him settled on Toy Story, when I found a magazine in the checkout showing these adorable monkey cupcakes.  I showed the magazine to Kyle and he said, "My Monkey George Cake!!" so I knew it was a done deal! :)

Monday, April 12, 2010

You Crack Me Up!

Last night in the bath, RC & Kyle were piling bubbles on top of Leigh Ann's head.  RC said, "She looks like a queen!"

Then he said, "No, she's a princess! And Mommy's the queen, and Daddy's the king, I'm a knight, and Kyle's the little rat!"

And Kyle replied, "NO, I'M SHREK! And you're Donkey!" (pointing to RC)

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

This is for Kyle Dean

I realized that I don't write much about Kyle. He's 2 - very active, and when he's awake keeps me busier than I could ever imagine. He's talking so much, and there is much to share. I wind up talking about him mostly in reference to his big brother, RC. It's time he has his own spot. Maybe I'll get inspired and complete his first year scrapbook (maybe before he goes from being the baby to being the middle child!).

Kyle, I love you.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

7 months old

Today Kyle is 7 months old. He has 2 teeth on the bottom, and even though I can't feel them yet, I think the top ones are working their way in. I weighed him today, and I think he's about 16 1/2 pounds (up a pound from his 6 mo checkup). He is about 28 inches long...

Yesterday, after his bath, I put him in his diaper then in his crib to play while I went back to get RC out of the tub. To my surprise, when I came back to the room to finish getting Kyle's pj's on, I found him standing up in the crib!!

I didn't even know he could pull himself up! Needless to say, the crib mattress has been lowered. Today, each time he woke up from his naps, he was standing in there waiting for me to come get him. Even crawling around, he kept looking for something to pull himself up on in the toy room. Looks like I'm going to have to watch him more closely!

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Swing - Twins?

Well, every time Kyle changes and I think he looks "different" than RC did at that stage, I come across a picture that shows me, NOPE! They are truly brothers - almost identical.

Here is a picture of Kyle, taken earlier this week (he turned 6 months old today):

And, just for comparison, here is a picture taken in the same swing in August of 2003, when RC was 5 months old:

At this age, RC already had a few teeth and was crawling. Kyle still has no teeth, but it seems like that first one is trying to cut through. He doesn't crawl, although he tries really hard! Kyle is smaller than RC was, and acts more like a little baby to me. I'm glad - even though he is my little man, I like that he's still my little baby!